Saturday, 4 October 2008

oh, scandinavia.

There is a girl that I sometimes notice around at university who has this dress. She is the tall Nordic type with long blonde hair and a fringe, piled into a bun, and she always pairs it with black tights and some sort of killer shoes.

Every time I see her wearing it I wish that I had a) the confidence to pull something like that off and b) the money to be able to afford to pull something like that off. Somehow I can't imagine that Adelaide would be overly receptive to it if I did take the plunge and brought something like that home... but perhaps I can dream...

Danish girls can look good in literally a sack.

And sack/cape style is the next big thing, be prepared for Sportsgirl to start stocking clothes next Autumn that involve copious amounts of draping, hanging material.



kim tori said...

If it's any consolation, I couldn't pull off wearing something like that either. xo

. said...

units are moving