Tuesday, 31 March 2009

a tiny change.

Time for a little change of scenery. Hopefully the change will also make me write here more often, or at least more regularly. Apologies for the massive neglection lately.

A question though... is twitter a happening thing or not? I'm a bit confused, it seems that it is purely the domain of politicians at the moment, but could possibly be the next big thing. Or not. I don't really see the need for it myself, if one already has Facebook and a blog which it seems to be a mix between, but hey... may as well keep up with the times, right?

Bought a cute fan from an Asian junk store today. It was half price and hardly broke the bank at $1.75. It has pretty flowers and a touch of sparkly gold. Super.


amy said...

i think its just a time-sucker. i'm avoiding it.. and i like your florals.

Katrine said...

I like your new look here!
I haven't got what Twitter is about yet either... But yeah, it seems that it's getting more and more attention.

Connor Tomas O'Brien said...

ooh i like the new look.

twitter is gross... although stephen fry's twitter-blog (or whatever you call it) is awesome.

come and take photos with me in the city sometime... or just get tipsy at the ex with dave and i