I often ramble on about my favourite cafe in Copenhagen - Bang og Jensen - but let me elaborate a little for you.
It's in an old chemist, or in Danish,
Apoteket, and in the summer it's difficult to get a table outside on the footpath. Steps lead up to the heavy double doors, and a long wooden bar greets you inside. In the front section, there are raised tables with stools, and a long red booth-style lounge along the right wall. A couple of stairs lead you to the back section, where cosy lounge chairs nestle against green patterned wallpaper, while round tables sit snugly under interesting lampshades and against big windows that let a bit of natural light in. All of the furniture and light-fittings are that wonderfully retro, typically Danish-style. The same boy sits in the back tapping away on his Macbook day after day. The same couple enjoys the delicious brunch every weekend (highly recommended - a 'must do' in Copenhagen). They have the best coffee deal in the city - 18kr for a glass of 'refill' coffee, which is still much cheaper than a single latte elsewhere. It's easy to waste an afternoon - or more - in here. A circle cut into the wall lets you see from the back area down to the bar, while finally, at the front again, the far left wall is covered in numerous pictures of the same man - an old fisherman smoking a pipe. Some are paintings, some are tapestries, some are large, some are small, some are facing left, some are facing right.
Bang og Jensen was my favourite place to be. I felt so alive every time I went there. And I was always intrigued by those funny little men on the wall. So you can imagine my delight to find, in darling Adelaide, a tapestry of the same man. It says on the back the name, address and phone number of a framing place in Denmark, so I know that he is authentic. I'm not sure of the history of this image though, or it's name - but I gather it is common in Denmark. Perhaps someone can help me with this?
He's so beautiful, and I will treasure him forever.
*The wonderful images of the cafe are sadly not mine; they are by
Kieran Lynam, on flickr.