I'm still here... just hiding.
I'm not really that busy, although there is plenty on my plate... something new that I'm doing is FiveThousand. It's launching properly next week. I'm so insanely excited about it, I've loved ThreeThousand etc since forever. It's pretty much my dream gig. Hooray.
I finish my degree in a couple of weeks. It's a relief to be able to put Journalism behind me, but I'm not quite sure if the big bad world is ready for me yet. (Truly!)
I have lots of things I want to do during summer. Read a lot. See a bunch of films. Give some time to the bands I always say I will, but don't. Maybe even hang around here a bit more.
And possibly build a fort. That would be a little bit awesome.
Really looking forward to the first ish of FiveThou. Dan's assembled a motley crew and I'm really keen to see what you guys get up to...
yay for finishing uni!
congrats on finishing uni and the fivethousand gig, steph! i think building a fort sounds like a wonderful plan - especially if it involves balloons and bubbles :)
Wow, summer in Adelaide... I'm (still!) very jealous. Enjoy it as much as you can and congratulations on finishing your degree!
fivethousand looks like a promising site, thanks for sharing!
Five Thousand is just what Adelaide needs. Slightly insanely jealous of your gig - and the fact that you've finished journalism. I love freelancing, but UniSA is the bane of my existence.
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