It's official - I'm really not a Christmas person. Probably the only thing I like about it is the joy other people get out of the whole shebang. But me? I'm not into red and green, am horrified by some of the 'decorations' and other Christmas paraphenalia that gets around, don't really want/need anything (and would much prefer to receive nothing than something I REALLY don't want/need), and find going anywhere near shops a tedious and irritating experience.
I felt displaced last year, and even more so this year for some reason. It felt odd having a northern hemisphere Christmas, but now I long for the cosiness of it all as opposed to the gaudiness that seems to be abundant here. As a remedy, I've baked some pebernødder (thanks for the recipe, Katrine! It's perfect!) and have wrapped the presents I've bought so far whilst listening to Jose Gonzales, something I used to do during the dark-at-4pm days. But I'm tired of festivity already. Oh dear.
Pebernødder were almost the death of me last year. Well, if I had no self control I would probably have died a long (but painless) sugar-and-spicey death. It is impossible to just have 'one or two'. They're super tasty on their own, fantastic dipped into tea and amazing with a warm cup of mulled wine ('gløgg'). I think they'd also make cute gifts packaged up in little bags and tied with red and white ribbon. (Just because I don't like Christmas doesn't mean I don't like making things pretty!) I'd definitely recommend them, and Katrine's recipe is spot on.
Also, my new camera is making photography feel good again. I'm very happy with it.
oh i love christmas! baking gingerbread, wearing sparkly metallics, making things for lovely people, listening to sufjan stevens christmas songs.. if we lived closer i'd make you a batch of reindeer shortbread :) everyones a christmas person when theres reindeer shortbread!
steph, how on earth can i contact you? do you still check your unisa email? super keen to exploit your writing talents for on dit next year... if you're keen...
the pebernødder sound and look fantastic - i think i will have to try the recipe. i do love christmas but i haven't had as much time to get into the spirit which slightly spoils the event. i need to find time to make some gingerbread and wrap presents. keep listening to jose and the christmas spirit may come to you soon, steph xx
Oh I used to be the biggest Christmas nut! But for some reason this year I am totally over it. I haven't got the tree out of the box, haven't finished my christmas shopping. I'm just not feeling the Christmas spirit, I think it helps being around people that put in effort.
I'm not a Christmas person either, but then again I am Jewish :)
I find it a bit out of place here in Australia, but I do like the way the Europeans do Christmas - I remember seeing Christmas decorations in Paris, it was just beautiful.
pebernødder sounds fantastic! My favourite thing this time of year is sufganiyot - they are sort of like Jewish doughnuts with jam, rather than a whole, in the middle. We eat them for Channukah. Yum!
I'm happy to see that my pebernødder recipe unfolds a little bit of Christmas spirit in the hills down under! I don't think I'd be a Christmas person if living in Australia either. Like you wrote, to me it's all about cosiness, and sunshine and 35 degrees just really don't match that concept. But here in the north we NEED it to survive the long, dark and cold months, I think. We NEED to light candles, bake and gather around little pleasures as presents and food. The fact that some people do overreact about it is another story...
Merry Christmas anyway!
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