Sunday, 7 February 2010

a letter.

Dear Laneway Festival,

Thankyou ever so much for disallowing my camera into your event. Had it been allowed in, I may have actually enjoyed the half-hearted festival you put on in Adelaide, and therefore may be inclined to continue attending your festival in the future as I have religiously done so since you came to my city. However, your complete disregard for what I would have thought was your prime target audience - people such as myself with a 'more than just a point and shoot' interest in photography but without media passes - has severely disappointed me. My camera is hardly 'professional'. It is entry level with a kit lens. Sadly, it will take nothing less than a sublime lineup to ever get me back.




danica said...

what!? they didn't let you take your camera in? what prats. i remember being at a feist gig a few years back and people taking photos were told to cease and desist. bad form :(

amy said...

erk, meanies. i gave up on laneway after the first year, they're awful, all about making money without looking after the people.

adelaide dancing said...

it's unfortunate that they don't care about their fans, too bad for them i say!

Connor Tomas O'Brien said...

Ugh, that sucks. Even more annoying: I actually had a media pass that I couldn't use because I was in Melbourne.

fruzsi said...

touche! i agree with all your listen points Steph. I hope you posted that letter!

fruzsi said...

*listed, not you listen points. my apologies for soiling your page.

CL said...

My feelings exactly! I missed out on Kid Sam and Dappled Cities because I had to find somewhere in town to stash my camera since they wouldn't let it in.

What's worse is that they invited people on flickr and on their website to share their photos of the event.