In her photographs of Copenhagen, Ali Withers captures exactly what I see every time I close my eyes.
I find it so hard to fathom that once upon a time, this was life was not someone else's lived vicariously through pixels, but my own. I'm well aware of how often I say this. Ali, your beautiful photographs keep me connected. Thank you.
I know the feeling. I lived in Portland, Maine for a little while and I miss it so! But these photos are great. I'm finally visiting Scandinavia during the Christmas holidays (my grandfather was Icelandic so it's been on the list for a while now). Your enthusiasm makes me very excited!
hm, you were right - they were gone, but now they're back?! strange! i wonder if it's because they're hosted on her tumblr, and every now and then tumblr goes down? thanks for the heads up though! x
i can't put my finger on what exactly it is that makes these photos so great. it's like they're staged but spontaneous at the same time. very cool.
gorgeous photos. They portay an eerie athmosphere which I really like.
I know the feeling. I lived in Portland, Maine for a little while and I miss it so! But these photos are great. I'm finally visiting Scandinavia during the Christmas holidays (my grandfather was Icelandic so it's been on the list for a while now). Your enthusiasm makes me very excited!
I really, really like these too.
I can't wait to visit Copenhagen with your guide! I think I'm going to go in August.
these photos are just stunning!
oh dear, I can't see the photo steph - is it just my computer? I shall try a different computer later on ...
hope you're well steph!
I meant to type 'photos', sorry ;)
hm, you were right - they were gone, but now they're back?! strange! i wonder if it's because they're hosted on her tumblr, and every now and then tumblr goes down? thanks for the heads up though! x
hmm, this is odd, I still can't see them - maybe they appear and disappear at whim?
thanks for the sweet comments steph, I really do appreciate it. It was a strange and tough week last week, but chin up, all is well ;)
hope you're doing well and that the assignments aren't killing you!
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