Hello. I'm still here. Just busy, as usual. Trying very hard to find the time to do things like: play space-themed mini-golf in country NSW, trawl op-shops, spend Sunday arvo's at exhibition openings in the hills, cook and bake for friends, go to the river, read, play footy in the front yard. Y'know, the kind of things that make me forget my general restlessness for a little while.

In the meantime, local lads Sparkspitter have released their EP and I can't stop listening to it. I think my favourite track is 'Ginsburger'. I can't remember if I ever told you that my long-term loves Doe had released their EP too. That was a while ago, almost a year now. Well anyway, they did. I listened to it pretty religiously whilst travelling, and now so many times that I can't separate one track from another. They're both good records. Real good.
Hope you're doing well. You sound pretty busy but hopefully you are having fun with it all. Space-themed mini-golf is something new to me... Just trying to picture it now.
Glad to hear you're still here :) And space-themed mini-golf, huh? I want pictures of that!
missing your posts! :)
I saw Sparkspitter recently and thought they were really really talented — it was the first time I'd actually listened to them.
And I agree, I'm missing your posts too!
I just disovered your blog and I love it! now following ( :
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