Tannon left for home yesterday morning. It was so nice to have him here, but also so hard to say goodbye.
We have been so busy for the past month, traveling between 4 countries (twice to Sweden!), showing my parents around when they visited, not to mention my Uni work in between. Now it's all back to normal for me, and the next time I see them all I will be home. It is actually only 80 days until I return, which doesn't seem like a very long time at all.
I have no idea where to start with stories and photos. Very simply, we spent four nights in Paris; two in Berlin; a day trip in Malmo with my parents, and a day trip to Stockholm (I know, it's crazy).
Maybe I'll try describing each in 25 words or less-(ish). And slowly but surely I will post up photos.
Paris: Often just like in Amelie, but more often overcrowded with tourists and/or creepy people. Croissants are heaven, likewise the vintage shops. I think I'll leave being all Parisian and chic and cool to actual Parisians though.
Berlin: Hip in parts and somewhat generic in others. Seems to be everything and nothing to do all at the same time. Quiet but happening. A strange vibe. Hardly any (noticeable) tourists and I always felt comfortable.
Malmo: Didn't do/see a lot, just took my parents across the water so they could see 'Sweden'. I'll go back in a couple of weeks to explore some more. Copenhagen-ish, but smaller and slightly cheaper.
Stockholm: A lot of the beauty of Paris, coupled with the hipness of Berlin and the cosiness of Copenhagen. And I was only there for 8 hours! Cold and grey though. To be expected.
Apart from that we've been Halloween-party-ing, Helsingor-visiting (again! For my parents, this time), Jul-beer-celebrating, present-shopping (Tannon's suitcase was half full of gifts I am sending home) and just generally having lovely hygge-ish times with friends. For the record, 'hygge' is a Danish word that loosely translates to 'cosy', and I have no idea how to use it in a sentence so I deeply apologise for that abomination :) It's such a wonderful concept though, the word 'cosy' doesn't really do it justice... think dinner and drinks and love and laughs and just generally having a lovely time, all wrapped up into one little word.
I'm not sure if I will travel again before January when I leave - perhaps if some friends want to go somewhere I will tag along. In Janurary I hope to go to London for a bit, and also to spend a few days in France and Italy, all with people who actually come from there. It will be nice to spend some time with some 'locals' instead of just being a tourist. Perhaps I will drop into Brussels or Prague or Edinburgh or somewhere as well. Suggestions?
it's lovely to read about your travels! hygge is the most beautiful word. edinburgh is such a wonderful city, if you have the time (and money!) it really is worth visiting. nurnburg in germany is beautiful in december too with all the gluehwein and christmas markets. i wish i was traveling. xx
hey sunshine
im currently saving my money like mad in the hopes of visiting my love in germany in a couple of weeks! crazy? yes! ridiculus! yes! Unlinkely? somewhat. hopeful? to the T! Soooo either way. theres a chance I will be in europe v late december, jan and feb so if i do make it I will let you know and would LOVE to hang with you somewhere in (my) homeland!
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