The Danish film Allegro was on SBS last night. It's strange - Australian films are never particularly city-centric, it doesn't really matter which city a film might be located in, more that it is in 'a' city. But this film, although sort of sci-fi/fantasty oriented, was so based around Copenhagen; around streets I've walked and buildings I recognise... and the sort of dull ache it stirred in my heart made it both difficult and wonderful to watch.
Helena Christensen was quite lovely in it, really. Very elegant. I find myself wanting to hate her (she is, after all, the girlfriend of one Mr Paul Banks), but I was quite enchanted by her. Maybe it was just her coat and her tights and her heels on the cobblestones by the canal at Gammel Strand...
oh, i wish i had seen this! it sounds really good. also, helena is my favourite 90s supermodel :)
Lovely blog! I want to see this film, thank you for sharing, have a wonderful weekend xoxo
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