Yesterday I was minding my own business, pushing my bike through the mall when a woman suddenly made a beeline towards me and threw a Christmas card into my basket. Thanks for riding your bike and making the city great, it read. Then later on in the afternoon after I came out of the markets, there was another exactly the same tied around my lock.
Today I discovered arrows made from flour on the footpath outside my house, and being curious about things like that, I decided to follow them. At first I thought that perhaps they were for a child's party. But they kept going for two or three kilometres. Sometimes there would be four arrows pointing in different directions and I had to ride down each of the different streets a little way to find out where the trail continued. Then they went around the back of the Julia Farr centre, and I thought they might be for some underground gig or whatnot. But they still kept going. Through parks, down side streets, onto main roads. It began to rain and I was worried that I wouldn't find the end in time, until finally I was just down the street from my house again, and I saw a slightly open gate with some spilt flour and buckets inside. I rushed home and wrote a letter. Hello, Were you the creator of the arrow trail? If so, please leave an arrow in the driveway of [the address of my block of flats] at your earliest possible convenience. I very much enjoyed the trek. x
Now I'm waiting for an arrow in my driveway. I'm not sure what I'll do if it comes - perhaps write another letter?
What a strange weekend.
this all sounds so lovely, like coming straight from a perfect movie. these unexpected things make life so beautiful, thanks for sharing :)
what awesome little anecdotes you shared! I love it! Could it be, that our little city is getting a little bit exciting? .. are we the next Melbourne?? (yippie!)
amazing, I am jealous of your adventures :)
That's a really great story, wish it would happen in my town!
what a fabulously random weekend!
wow, that really is just like from a movie:) not often stuff like that happens in adelaide...
Ah man I wish I rode into the city that day! Sounded like a great weekend! hooray for Adelaide :D
How wonderful that you followed the arrows - I wonder how many just ignored them, or plain just didn't see them?
We need more adventures...
I saw those little Christmas cards left on bikes at the markets! So sweet.
aww.. no flour arrows in my town.
Damn...I want to be back in Adelaide!!!
Happy New Year by the way!
Sounds like a lovely story! I wonder if you got any more flour arrows? And yay for biking it and getting loved for it.
haha! i LOVE that you actually took the time to follow them! and you stepped it up a notch and added PART B to the story!!
very cool..
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