"Every morning you wake up and know that the city will be a better place." -Jan Gehl on living in Copenhagen
This exact sentiment hit me like a truck during this visit to Copenhagen. I could just wake up enjoy the city for the wonderful, progressive, design-oriented, people-friendly place that it is. I didn't have to work hard to make things happen. I didn't have to try to create something out of nothing. I didn't have to settle for anything less than joy and wonder. And in realising that, I realised just how well suited I am to Copenhagen, and Copenhagen is to me.
If you're a city nerd like I, you might like to listen to Gehl's
recent talk in Adelaide on 'Cities for People'.
I know Adelaide is trying really hard at the moment, but my own enthusiasm for it is waning. I hope it picks up again soon.
Cool photos of urban spaces. Thanks for heads up on the talk.
I hope your enthusiasm for Addy picks up soon too. You know how much I love Europe, so I needn't tell you, but sometimes I tell myself that they've had a lot more time over there to develop awesome art and design oriented cultures and cities over there. its still early days here, which means we can make a difference! Yes no ?
these are fantastic images! it really doesn't get better than a giant ice cream cone :)
love these shots! holy cow. that second one made my heart skip. <3
What a lovely feeling to wake up to a city that you enjoy instantly. It sounds like Copenhagen agreed with you. I know what you mean about Adelaide, I don't feel a sense of attachment to Adelaide as I'm not from here, and I think a lot of people forget that when I speak of Adelaide as it seems most people that live here are from here. I think Adelaide has really changed in the 3 years that I have lived here but every now and then the romance disappears. It will pick up again I think.
are you trying to convince me to move there? because, you know, I may do it if you asked me :)
Why don't you move to London? Just a thought...
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