Even though I can't actually read it, I pick up the free newspapers from the train station to have a flick through whenever I get a chance. I can usually gather the gist of at least a couple of the articles by the pictures and the few Danish words that I know.
Look what I was greeted with when I opened up to page 2/3 yesterday: A double page Kings of Leon spread!! Rad! That's one for my walls.
Last night I took myself off to the Danish Film Institute to see Andy Warhol's Poor Little Rich Girl. This month the Cinemateket is playing Warhol documentaries, Factory Girl, and a few of his own films. I really wanted to go to Brisbane earlier in the year when they had the Andy Warhol exhibition on, but I didn't get the chance to. I was so pleased when the opportunity came up to see some of his film work while I'm in Denmark. It was odd, but very interesting, and nothing I wasn't expecting.
She was so beautiful. Such mesmerising eyes and the sweetest smile.
Before the film I did what I do best for a few hours - I wandered around Copenhagen, walking and exploring and looking and photographing and enjoying. I also visited some galleries, including Think Ink, which had the most wonderful pink-themed exhibition. The lady was so sweet, she showed me the print making room, her screen-printed-'like-Andy-Warhol' piece, and suggested some more places for me to visit. Another exhibition I went to, at Galleri Nakke Hage, had some pieces made out of those little iron-together hama beads! Very cool. (Click 'Foto fra aktuel udstilling' to see).
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that visiting any building looking vaguely like this makes me feel like I am in Pride and Prejudice.
Yesterday we went north to visit a manor house. It was in a HUGE park with gently rolling hills, clusters of trees and deer. I was expecting Colin Firth to appear out of nowhere at any minute.
Afterwards we went to Tivoli and enjoyed some totally shameless Danish pop, in the form of Alphabeat. They are cute and energetic, but slightly cheesy. The Danes love them though :)
This place is crazy. You receive a cape, gloves and a pair of boots to go in. Your glass is made of ice. Pretty much everything except for the bottles of vodka are made of ice. The bartender looks like Howard in the tundra episode of the Mighty Boosh, perhaps with a little less fur.
And yes, I did feel like I was lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundraaaaaaaa!
I've never been one to pre-plan a wedding, or a funeral for that matter, but something, anything, from this album WILL be played at both.
Now I've moved onto listening and watching the real thing. Listening to copious amounts of Interpol when you are detached from everyone and everything is not a good idea. The only substitute I can think of, however, is Joy Division. Which is just as bad, if not worse.
We went into Copenhagen yesterday, originally to visit some small galleries. But we ended up getting sidetracked by flea markets, bakeries, vintage stores and metro rides. The galleries will have to wait for another day.
I would really love to bake today, but I can't. I share an oven with my neighbours, and it is less than sparkling clean. Instead, I will sit in my window, drink vanilla-hazelnut tea, and read Frankie, which mum mailed to me.
Reading a train-based Agatha Christie mystery, on a train / A totally rad looking window display and a wonderfully coloured mint green bike / Drinking coffee after coffee, and 'reading' the glossy Rip It Up equivalent / Bakery... mmm.
Being away from home isn't as tough when you spend your days doing this.