Thursday, 28 February 2008

loving and admiring.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

she found a lonely sound,
she keeps on waiting for time out there,
oh love, can you love me babe?
love, is this loving babe?
is time turning around?

Monday, 25 February 2008
Saturday 11:30am: The lady at the gate nearly doesn't let me in to Laneway Festival because I have two Sudafeds in my bag from when I had a cold a couple of months ago. After checking with practically the entire ground staff and me insisting 'look, you can have them if you want I don't actually NEED them anymore, they're just in my bag...' she gets the all clear from above and lets me through, but only after body searching me, including my tight-ed up legs - hello lady, if I was concealing a weapon/alcohol/small animal in my tights, YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE IT. I don't think that I looked particularly sus or anything, as I did see her frisk a few people - I just think she was just an eager beaver because it was early in the day. Also looks suspicisouly at my spare box of Polaroid film.
ANYWAY after that we had a wonderful day in the courtyard of Fowlers, except for the fact that my camera died during Feist. And the fact that I couldn't really see in Feist. And I really, really, really wanted to see her and take lots of photos. Okkervil River proved lively, the lead singer of The Panics looks just like a lady who comes into work (I'm going to ask her if it's her brother), Gotye was amazing despite some technical issues and Bridezilla, as predicted, were very sweet. Stars opened with Take Me To The Riot which was a bit of an anti-climax for me, and although I love Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the singer's voice borders on painful at times. The guitarist/keyboardist was a cheery chap though, I liked just watching him as he did his thing and grinned. I was a little disappointed with Broken Social Scene - they played about 4 hours in so our legs were in need of a rest by then, and they took a while to get into things so we decided to head to the back and sit down. So I guess it's kind of my own fault I couldn't get into it, but I had built up some fairly high expectations even though I don't know a hell of a lot of their stuff. I got to see some Damn Arms which I wasn't expecting to, so that was a bonus, I've really gotten into them more since I first saw them supporting Klaxons.
Saturday, 11:00pm, The Presets have played 2.2 songs: I realise that I do not like the Presets very much. I like the songs I should, and the rest I can give or take, and after a long, tiring day, I don't feel like still being pushed around by crazy girls while I try not to fall asleep while listen to music that wouldn't be out of place in 'one of those clubs' that I despise.
Saturday, 11:45pm: Dressed like a Grandma (I didn't mean to, honest. I wore my housewife dress, but with a belt to cinch and shorten it. The thing was, Tannon insisted that I take a jumper and all I had at his house was my op shop knitted cardie which looks great with skinny jeans, but decidedly nanna-ish when teamed with the aforementioned housewife dress. And while I don't discriminate against nannas, a line does have to be drawn somewhere), a sunburnt nose (chuck me some antlers and I could pass off as Rudolph) horrible 'end of festival' hair and with a major run threatening to make my tights disintegrate at any second, we manage to run into numerous people we know on the way back through town. So now they probably think I have morphed into some sort of bag lady, while Tannon managed to still look wonderful in a fabulous outfit that I ripped of a guy from Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! that I saw on Friday night.
And that, my friends, is a whole other story in itself.
Well, not really. But those kids in that band stalk me, I'm sure of it. Just ask Anders.
PS: photos up soon, I'll do a big gig-photo-post after INTERPOL which is TOMORROW. And share my super-fantastich op-shop finds from today! And my other exciting news-(ish!) Wow, don't you just want to come back for more?!
Haha I'm so uncool I'm almost cool. I'm saying that a lot lately.
Friday, 22 February 2008
espanol, et al.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Peepshop not only has the cutest little room on their main page, but a bag that I am coveting and that makes me feel like listening to Band of Horses even though I've never really taken the time to get into them, they're just sitting on my iPod looking cool.
Haha I'm so uncool it almost makes me cool.

Autumn de Wilde, on the other hand, just happens to be an incredibly cool, amazingly talented photographer who I am supremely jealous of. Her subjects read like my iPod, speak of the devil. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs to the White Stripes, Spoon and Tegan and Sara. Also let me take this opportunity to say I thought Miranda July was gorgeous in Me and You and Everyone We Know.
Oh, I picked up new frankie yesterday (mmm lovely frankie goodness) and also the cutest little fat notebook. I'm going to cover it... (not sure what with yet - perhaps some op-shop fabric I picked up the other day?) Then the plan is to carry it with me everywhere and write/draw in it at least once a day. Not unlike this, but probably a lot less masterpiece-y. Given that I'm a complusive list maker and pick up pretty things everywhere, I think it shall work quite well.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008
au revoir.

Monday, 18 February 2008

I've always loved drawing maps for directions. This site obviously appeals to me then. I remember in year 11 I drew a lovely map of Melbourne, complete with street names and landmarks (I don't live there but I know them off by heart) for a couple of friends who were headed over for a concert. One of them asked what would happen if an earthquake ripped through the city, so I drew it in, a great jagged line from the corner of La Trobe and Spencer Streets to the couldn't use it. I think I spent more time in maths class that year doing that sort of thing than what I was actually supposed to be doing.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008
instead of looking straight ahead...
I looked sideways and up when I went to town the other day. It's amazing what you can see when you actually look. Although now I have a very sore neck. More on flickr.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008
it's all too much.
Now I'm going to sound very shallow when I write exactly what it is that is bothering me, especially because it should be war, poverty, sickness etcetera. But it's not... I mean, yes, it is terrible, and new media is obviously furthering our understandings and reaches of what is happening in our own countries and beyond. But what is depressing me is talent.
Design, writing, illustration, photography, music... how the hell am I ever supposed to compete with what's out there. Even 10 years ago I could have lived happy in the knowledge that there were a few design studios in Adelaide, a couple of street presses, and even a few larger mags in wider australia. Now I am in posession of the websites and portfolios of South African interior designers, Swedish illustrators, American stylists, British writers, and sweet, well dressed bands coming out of god knows where. Not to mention the largely untapped talent on places like Flickr and Etsy. I know I should be inspired by it, but to be honest it is just snowing me under. I have always had an eye and an ear for pretty things, a way with words, for talent; but there is too much and I can't take it all in. On top of that is the fact that I have no idea how I will ever be capable of matching it, let alone surpassing it.
I need to keep my finger on the pulse if I'm ever going to make it, but I just don't know how I can.
Information superhighway, global village, all the terms and cliches. I wish it would just go away, or at least slow down. But I doubt if that will ever happen.

Thursday, 7 February 2008
I think I need to stop dreaming and just do, stop thinking and just act, and grow up a little. We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008
...are sweet.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008
since before.
- radical times at french bars (sans indie clubs)
La Boheme was super-sweet and even played Gloria so was there any need for Supermild anyway? Well yes, but given only one person apart from Tan and I would have enjoyed it (god bless Dave) we decided to give it a miss. Still, tasty cocktails (the boys all seemed to gravitate towards the Absolut Hunk, go figure) and tastier tunes made a fun night. - birthday + hottest 100
Presents, presents, including my Andy Warhol book (Tan), Audrey Hepburn book (Ash and Jen), silver S (Amelia) all fit perfectly into my newly painted bookshelf, not to mention my wonderful mannequin, christened Audrey, gorgeous earrings from Loz and bangles from Jess. Sweet, sweet gifts from amazing people. Hottest 100 was radical, yet surprising. Here were my votes:
Architecture In Helsinki - Hold Music
Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry
Faker - This Heart Attack
Interpol - The Heinrich Maneuver
Kings Of Leon - On Call
Klaxons - It's Not Over Yet
Mess Hall, The - Keep Walking
Modest Mouse - Dashboard
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Down Boy
- big day out
Aiiiii! Arcade Fire! A-MAZ-ING! Plus Midnight Juggernauts, Battles, Cut Off Your Hands, King Daddy, British India, Skeletons, Bjork and of course, Rage Against the Machine. Let the photos do all the talking. (More on my Facebook.)
...Not to mention new op shop shoes (cream and tan), working, crafty stuff, watching Sex and the City, and finishing the painting and organising of my bookcase! Now for the decoration and cleaning of my room...