A flea market/street party in Copenhagen, Saturday / A super-sweet street in Copenhagen, Monday / Street stalls selling flowers make me smile / Patterns, patterns. More on flickr.
Last Friday I attended the Sommerballet in Arne Jacobsen's Bellevue Teatret, north of Copenhagen, on the coast. Being English (or at least, non-Danish) speaking university students, we didn't realise until we got there that it was actually the premiere, so we were perhaps a little underdressed. In any case, I had worn my favourite vintage dress and my super awesome frenchy heels, so I was doing OK. The ballet itself was amazing. Contemporary and engaging, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
We were seated on the balcony part of the theatre, and noticed a lot of women stumbling on the stairs. Now if anybody is going to fall down stairs, it's going to be me, and true to form when we decided to walk down to the actual balcony rail for a closer look during the interval, I lost my footing. It was really nothing more than an unsteady moment, I didn't land flat on my face or anything. But when I put my right foot back down on the floor, something was missing. I had worn my most favourite pair of black, high heeled, lace up, pointy, wonderfully frenchy $7 from Vinnies shoes, and THE WHOLE HEEL HAD SNAPPED OFF. The most beautiful, sturdy, amazing shoes I own - broken. Don't get me wrong, I have been looking for the perfect pair in flat version for ages, but this is not how I envisioned it happening.
So it has been a mournful couple of days.
In other news, I have spent the last two days walking and walking and walking and stopping to buy pastry and then walking some more around Copenhagen. I also visisted the breathtaking Louisiana Musuem of Modern Art on Sunday (and I could see Sweden!)
Copenhagen is one super-stylish city. And then when you leave the cobblestoned streets with the candy coloured buildings, and duck under a low awning into a basement vintage store or amazingly decorated cafe... it becomes warm and cosy (and still super-stylish).
1 comment:
You saw the ballet? You would not believe how jealous I am right now. And yes, this kimberley is 'your' kimberley. xo
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