This is what I want:
To have Robbie, Marieke and the Doctor wake me up in the morning. To not take warm sunny days for granted. To shop at Coles. To listen to the football on the radio. To eat a Cheesymite. To wave to the people behind the counter of the Cheesymite-selling store. To be behind the counter of the Cheesymite-selling store.
To cuddle/annoy my puppy. To annoy my brother. To browse in the Mary Martin Bookshop. To complain about going to 'The Stirls', but secretly love how I get to see everyone there. To sit on the hard tram seats, just for a stop or two. To have coffee with my best friend. To have coffee with the Uni girls. To complain about the news quizzes.
To go somewhere, anywhere in Man Car. To come home and watch Rage. To visit Mint Vintage. To text my friend whenever I see a member of Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! To pay $1.35 for a bus trip to town in peak time. And back, if I am lucky. To be able to find everything single item on my shopping list. To go to Supermild. Or at least say that I want to go to Supermild. To walk down Rundle St. To snuggle up in Cocolat with a mug-sized latte.
To eat at Scoozi. To go and see a French film. To go to a newsagency and buy Frankie. To go to Queen St and pretend that I am hip. To see your band. To be able to tell you that I love the new Kings of Leon song because they have 'been flogging it on Triple J'. To be able to tell you that I love you.
I love Copenhagen, but I still want what I miss from home.
However even if I could combine just a couple of things on my list with Denmark, I would feel like I was asking for too much. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
What do you want?
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Saturday, 23 August 2008
one, two, three, four.

Pretty Danish flags / Perfect sky and my wonderful umbrella / I see ladybirds everywhere / Castle in which Hamlet is based.
In beautiful weather I visited a town called Helsingor. It is on the coast and is *this close* to Sweden. I sat under my umbrella on a hill in front of the castle and stared across the water at Sweden for over an hour. I waited to hear how the band had gone in their second ever gig, and their first one playing originals. It also happened to be part of a band competition.
They won their night and will now play in the semi-final.
I am so proud, but my heart aches.
pretty things,

Wednesday, 20 August 2008
walking and walking.

A flea market/street party in Copenhagen, Saturday / A super-sweet street in Copenhagen, Monday / Street stalls selling flowers make me smile / Patterns, patterns. More on flickr.
Last Friday I attended the Sommerballet in Arne Jacobsen's Bellevue Teatret, north of Copenhagen, on the coast. Being English (or at least, non-Danish) speaking university students, we didn't realise until we got there that it was actually the premiere, so we were perhaps a little underdressed. In any case, I had worn my favourite vintage dress and my super awesome frenchy heels, so I was doing OK. The ballet itself was amazing. Contemporary and engaging, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
We were seated on the balcony part of the theatre, and noticed a lot of women stumbling on the stairs. Now if anybody is going to fall down stairs, it's going to be me, and true to form when we decided to walk down to the actual balcony rail for a closer look during the interval, I lost my footing. It was really nothing more than an unsteady moment, I didn't land flat on my face or anything. But when I put my right foot back down on the floor, something was missing. I had worn my most favourite pair of black, high heeled, lace up, pointy, wonderfully frenchy $7 from Vinnies shoes, and THE WHOLE HEEL HAD SNAPPED OFF. The most beautiful, sturdy, amazing shoes I own - broken. Don't get me wrong, I have been looking for the perfect pair in flat version for ages, but this is not how I envisioned it happening.
So it has been a mournful couple of days.
In other news, I have spent the last two days walking and walking and walking and stopping to buy pastry and then walking some more around Copenhagen. I also visisted the breathtaking Louisiana Musuem of Modern Art on Sunday (and I could see Sweden!)
Copenhagen is one super-stylish city. And then when you leave the cobblestoned streets with the candy coloured buildings, and duck under a low awning into a basement vintage store or amazingly decorated cafe... it becomes warm and cosy (and still super-stylish).
pretty things,

Saturday, 9 August 2008
fashion capital.

It's fashion week in Copenhagen, so I'm not sure if the city is really amping up the style, or if it is just always amazingly well dressed. In any case there seems to be hundreds of leggy women roaming the streets, not to mention the thousands of hipsters practically lining up to be candidates for Copenhagen Street Style.
It poured and poured and poured today, but for the most part I kept dry as I tourist-ed it up.
I don't think I could ever tire of candy-coloured buildings.
pretty things,

Friday, 8 August 2008
this is...
... my favourite band in the world.
Their name, a work in process. As are their songs. But I think they are amazing, and they have the most wonderful guitarist/wannabe percussionist/super-talented writer in the world. The other guys aren't so bad either!
These are also two of my favourite photos that I have ever taken.
I miss you.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008

I am not sure where to begin, or what to say other than that I am meeting some wonderful people and seeing some beautiful sights. Every corner I turn something new amazes me. The place where I am living looks like a postcard, and I am beginning to feel quite comfortable in my new surrounds. It helps to have things from home with me.
My shopping lists need to be in both Danish and English so that I know what to look for.
All I can say is 'hej' and 'tak'.
I cannot wait to be let loose on Copenhagen though.
pretty things,

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